The Hardest Baby To Breastfeed
This could be the reason your breastfeeding isn't going well Video Transcript: HI! Christian Bates here of Calming Colic. So and this video I’m gonna tell you u the hardest baby to...
Does Your Baby Mostly Look One Way?
Many babies favour looking in one direction Videos Transcript: Hi! So, in today's video, I want to show you, in my opinion, one of the biggest causes of difficulties in breastfeeding and...
Daddy’s Home!
The Witching Hour Video Transcript: This video is called daddy's home and It's a very common time for babies to get really upset during the day. It's in the witching hour...
Myth: Breast fed babies don’t need to be winded
Why would that be?? Video Transcript: Breastfed babies don't need to be burped. They don't need to be winded that's what a mum came in and told me yesterday which has tricked...
Myth: Food from the mum doesn’t get into her breast milk
Common sense will tell you that it does Video transcript: This video is about the myth of what a mom eats going through her breast milk to the baby or the myth...
Myth: Breast fed babies don’t need to be winded
Why would that be?? Video transcript: Breastfed babies don't need to be burped. They don't need to be winded. That's what a mom came in and told me yesterday which has tricked...
Baby BirthType: Little Boob Shark Baby
Do you have a very hungry baby? Do they love to suck all the time and use you to suck on! But maybe they aren't actually hungry, they are actually...
Eating Tips For The Breastfeeding Mum
I find that I give some sort of eating tips to all mums for their own energy and health. For the breastfeeding mum most of the tips have something to...
Breastfeeding Diet For Colic
This is a 5 day eating plan that I recommend to the mothers I see in clinic. If you feel great on this and your baby is happy then please...
New mums: Eat a balanced diet
This sounds like common sense! But eating a good balanced diet when looking after a new baby with colic or reflux can be very challenging. But I want to help...
Breastfeeding mums: Look for good colic days and bad colic days
Has your baby's colic been really good one day and then really bad another and you wonder why? Have a watch for a possible reason...
Breastfeeding mums: Don’t replace one colic trigger food with another
Mums commonly try reducing dairy as their first attempt at looking at foods that are triggering colic in their baby. However, they often replace dairy with other foods that trigger...