How much milk can a newborn’s stomach hold?
A huge thank you to Katie Wickham RN BScN IBCLC for letting me repost this Blog on my website. Please visit her webpage and join her Facebook page, details are at...
Mothers breast milk quality so poor they should use formula
An article in the Daily Mail today has a couple of interesting points to elaborate on for me. Researchers are suggesting that male and female babies should have different formula ratios...
Over 700 species of bacteria in breast milk
Another fascinating piece of research that proves what I have written in Calming Colic on ways to prevent and help colicky babies. I really like this research as it confirms patterns...
Why scientists don’t help with practical parenting advice! Help for eczema and asthma in children.
If there is something I hope I am good at it is putting health advice across in an easy to understand way. I do this with all my patients; osteopathic,...
Is lactose really the baddie when it comes to colic?
Something never quite sits right for me when it comes to blaming lactose (milk sugar) for wind and colic pain. Yes, it does seem that lactase enzyme products like Colief...
Do you have a hungry baby?
In the book Calming Colic I have a section on the hungry baby. Often I find that there is a confusing mix between colic, hunger and comfort feeding. This piece of...
Breast milk – It’s amazing properties
Fascinating research showing that breast milk feeds the good bacteria in the newborns gut and on top of that it actually adjusts as the baby gets older and has different...
Probiotics pass into breast milk and then into baby (which can help colic)
This is important research to me in my quest to help colicky babies. It shows that probiotics, an important piece in the puzzle of helping colic, are detectable in a...
Bacteria from mothers gut DOES pass into breast milk
Bacteria from the gut DOES pass into her breast milk! Massive day on the research front for Calming Colic! This study shows that gut bacteria from the mother DOES get passed...
Breast feeding difficulties? A little known yet extremely common cause
I see daily a cause of breast feeding difficulties that mothers have NEVER had explained to them. What is important is that it isn't your fault. If you are struggling...
Stress in mother passed to baby
Some of the most "colicky" babies I have seen have very stressed parents. Is the stress because of having a colicky baby or was the stress in the mother before...