I was recommended Christian by my acupuncturist before my baby was born, I was not entirely sure what I would need him for but I remembered what she had said.
When my baby arrived she had a click in her hip and shoulder and I wondered if he could help with that. However in the couple of weeks running up to our first appointment my beautiful little baby (at about 3/4 weeks old) had started ramping up her evening inconsolable crying, at first it had not been every day and when she did do it was not for very long. Soon she was screaming every night and I began to worry that she was in pain from wind or otherwise. It was very upsetting at its peak and strangely we started just having it as past of the evening routine, horrible time.
After the first season with Christian for the first night in ages there was no witching hour and she slept well that night. Witching hour returned but shorter the next night, after our second session Christian said we likely would have 2 or 3 good nights then would maybe return. We had 3 amazing long nights sleep with no witching hour. The crying returned for just 15 minutes on the 4th night so I rang to get a cancelation appointment ASAP we had the 3rd and 4th sessions in quick succession and no witching hour since then!! At 9 weeks we had a 7 hour stint of sleep with another 3 hours after the feed. Bed time has moved in from 11:30 to 9pm and we are a lot happier household!
I believe that what Christian did got rid of the witching hour and made my baby more relaxed, as a consequence myself and my husband are far more relaxed and this has meant more parts of life with a new baby have fallen into place.
I cannot recommend Christian enough!! I would tell all frazzled parents to see him worth every penny.
Thank you Christian!!!
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