Listen to the intro video from Christian who has 25 years experience helping babies
Here’s a list of the baby help videos in the course. Colic, reflux, sleep, allergies, breastfeeding, formula; there’s loads of help!
Reviews from mums who have been helped are at the bottom of the page
Also check out my Instagram page to get an idea of the help I offer
The Truth About Colic and How To Help Your Baby [7 videos]
The Myths Of Colic And The Bd Advice You’ve Been Given [9 videos]
Calming Your Baby And Sleep Routine [11 videos]
Scientific Calming Technique For Your baby
Colic, Poo and Wind. What You Need To Know [4 videos]
Your Baby BirthType and How The Delivery Affects Your Baby [8 videos]
Breastfeeding Help [3 videos]
Formula Feeding Help [3 videos]
Everything About The Mums Diet To Help Baby And Mum [10 videos]
Allergy And Intolerance Help [5 videos]
The Science Of Calming Colic [8 videos]
Extra Videos To Help Mum And Baby [7 videos]
Reflux Help: Let’s Help Your Baby’s Reflux [6 videos]
The Future Health Of Your Baby [2 videos]
Probiotics: Your New Best Friend! [7 videos]
Calming Colic Baby Stories [5 videos]

Also included are these ebooks and help resources for you and your baby
1. Calming Colic PDF Download
2. Reflux Guide eBook
3. Quick Calm – Tips to quickly calm your baby
4. New mum nutrition support-compressed
5. New Mum Eating Mistakes
6. The foods a mum eats affects her breast milk – a guide to foods affecting colic and reflux
7. Weight Loss for the New Mum & Breast Feeding Mum
8. 5 DAY FOOD PLAN EBOOK (New mum and breastfeeding mum 5 day food plan. Low trigger foods for colic and reflux)
9. Calming step by step guide
Bonus material:
Blood Sugar balancing help
2. Mother Supplement plan
3. Fodmap food list – Foods that can trigger wind in your baby if breastfeeding
4. Mum Snacks and Swaptions. Foods to swap out if you are trying dairy free or gluten free
5. DIET DIARY for the new mum to track trigger foods in a colic baby
Sample videos from my colic solution
Colic – The Truth
Colic, Wind & Reflux Are Symptoms
What’s Your Baby BirthType?
Does Your Baby Have A Strong Neck?
Buy Now For Instant Access To All Baby Help
Limited Time offer £29 (should be £49)

Once you have purchased my online course please email me with a description of your baby and what your delivery was like and I will personally guide you to the best videos so you can help your baby as quickly as possible

“Hello, I have changed my little boys milk to Hipp organic and wow what a difference already! He has only been on it for 2 days but the difference is so noticeable! He is back to having a poo twice a day, normal consistency and he isn’t screaming all day every day! I’m going to order some of the optibac probiotics, how long do you recommend using these for? Can’t thank you enough for your help/advice, feels like a huge weight has been lifted! I just find it so frustrating how health care professionals don’t advise any of this and just fob you off with ‘it’s normal: they will grow out of it in a couple of months’”
“Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for your help and for all the information you post. We took our 3 week old to an osteopath today and already we can see a difference. He is going to have another session next week and fingers crossed he is a much happier baby.”
“There really isn’t enough information about how labour and antibiotics can affect babies so I really thank you for all the information you share. It has potentially made a huge impact on our relationship with our baby and we will enjoy watching him grow so much more.”
“Hi I have downloaded and read your fantastic book! You are an angel to parents and babies. I have ordered some probiotics. Thank you”
“Just want to say, I had my first baby back in June 2021. Who suffered with colic terribly, i had never even heard of it before so was up late forever looking for some further information and come across your insta account. So glad, probiotics worked a treat and he still has them now. Thank you so much. No health professional mentioned it when i was asking for help.”
“Love watching your videos. They’re so interesting and make so much sense!”
“Thanks for you help. Really love your page and advice. Went to doctors today and completely Fobbed me off saying all milk is the same so it shouldn’t matter what milk your baby is on CLEARLY NOT EDUCATED! Thank you so much for replying x”
“thanks to you my daughter is pooping so much more regularly. The probiotics are working a treat. Thank you Thank you 😊”
“Hi Christian, just to let you know the probiotics are working so well for my son. Feel so grateful to know this info and help him in this way! He has gone from around 8-10 watery poos a day to now sometimes only 2 normal poos!”
“Started working for us about 3/4 days I noticed a massive difference, now nearly a month into using them and she’s a different baby! Thank you so much for your help and recommendations! Worked wonders for us! 12 week old baby girl🥰”
“Thanks for the advice much appreciated. The change in milk has had a huge chamge in the baby . He is like a different baby more relaxed, taking his feeds quicker and sleeping for longer at night thanks again”
“Thank you, really enjoying your videos it all makes a lot of sense to be honest about all the different babies.”
“Everything you have spoke about on your Instagram makes so much sense ever since she was given antibiotics.”
“Oh that’s a relief. I’m at my wits end it’s so bad 😩😩😩 it’s really affecting his quality of life in his sleep he’s moaning.”
“I’ve even gone through your videos. They really bring hope. We appreciate what you do. Thanks so so much 🌸”
“Great! Your videos are amazing and thank you so much for your help! It gives great peace of mind knowing there are reasons for his distress and that I can do something to help! This seems like a really good start! 🥰”
“Not a question but after taking your advice and using probiotics my little girl is like a different baby. It’s been about 2 weeks. She’s not straining as much (still slightly but she has a hernia so don’t think it will fully go until operation)”
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing knowledge on excessive crying/colic. You came up as a page to follow after me googling a lot on excessive crying in babies. If you hadn’t have popped up i’d have never have known how antibiotics can affect a baby. ”
“Our boy has been on antibiotics from 3 weeks old (now nearly 11 weeks) daily, i also had them just after he was born and breastfed. We would go days of clocking up 5.5-6hrs of crying, every other day he would go the loo and it’d be 2-3 very loose nappies, grunting in his sleep in the night and jerking/scrunching up.
We’re only on day 4 of adding in probiotics and seen a change already. When he is crying its down to the usual hungry, tired, needs a change etc. He’s going to sleep a lot easier/quicker in the day, his poo’s are the consistency of what they should be. Haven’t had to chance an outfit since last weekend 🎉. We haven’t heard any grunting in the night.”
“I can’t believe how much a difference giving probiotics has helped my baby. She’s now 7 weeks I’ve been on it for about 2 weeks now she’s got straining or grumpy or in pain anymore.”
“Please Help! My partner and I have found your page from Melbourne Australia and cannot thank you enough for the information you have already provided us…”
“Just to say your videos have been so helpful, thank you! ☺️”
“Hi Christian, watching some of your videos it’s amazing how much you have summed up our baby! He had a strong neck from birth and was delivered via ventouse, he has colic and lots of watery poos, hates laying on his back and also throws himself back from the boob.”
“He’s currently curled up on my belly happy as Larry. If I put him down he’s still asleep but is making a fuss and sounds like his trying to push out a poo. But still asleep.”
“I feel like there’s light at the end of the tunnel after finding your page!”
“Hi Christian, Hope you are well. Absolutely love your page.”
Hey – just wanted to follow up – we now seem to have a happier baby (fingers crossed) things we tried over past month:
-Tongue Tie Fixed (it was a really bad one 90%)
-ProBiotics (1 bottle)
-x 2 sessions of Cranio Osto
-Switched formula from Apitimal to Hipp
Thanks for taking the effort for your Insta content – it’s awesome and been more useful than the health visitors!
“Keep up the great work”
“Love your page btw”
“Good evening, I just come across your page, and am so happy I have.”
“Hi Christian hope you are well! I’ve recently come across your page and wow it resonates so much!”
“I just wanted to send you a quick thank you. We’re still ‘work in progress’ but my LO has improved after following your information & advice and not ‘just growing out of it’. ”
“We’ve had her on optibac drops and changed her milk from SMA to Hipp. Also have an appointment with a cranial osteopath on Monday. If we were closer we’d have come to you!”
“Hi Christian! I’ve been following you for a while now and learnt so much!”
“Many thanks
Love following the page”
“Fab thank you so much! Love following your page you’ve been a great help”